2014년 11월 19일 수요일

글쓰기에 대한 잡생각

 온 몸의 잔뜩 들어가 있던 힘들을 최대한 빼고 편하게 글을 쓰려한다. 가지고 있는 범위 안에서 그냥 그정도로, 더 잘 하려고 욕심내지 않고, 그냥 그렇게.
 그냥 그렇게 쓰다가 잘 안되면, 이번에 아님 말고. 또 내일 쓰면 되지.
참 어려울 것 하나 없는 일을 어렵게 어렵게 이어 왔다. 
보다보면 더 보이고 듣다보면 더 들리고 쓰다보면 더 써지고 그런것 아니겠나 한다.
 그 단순하고 당연한 것을 느끼고 실천하는 데 참으로 오래도 걸렸다.

 너무 멍청하지도 그렇다고 똑똑하지도 않아서 참 슬픈 그런 사람들이다. 

Guide for Technical Development_by Google in education

Tools & SolutionsbreadcrumbGuide for Technical Development

Guide for Technical Development

Having a solid foundation in Computer Science is important in being a successful Software Engineer. This guide is a suggested path for University students to develop their technical skills academically and non-academically through self paced hands-on learning. You may use this guide to determine courses to take but please make sure you are taking courses required for your major or faculty in order to graduate. The online resources provided in this guide are not meant to replace courses available at your University. However, they may help supplement your learnings or provide an introduction to the topic.
Using this guide:
  • Please use this guide at your discretion
  • There may be other things you want to learn or do outside of this guide - go for it!
  • Checking off all items in this guide does not guarantee a job at Google
  • This guide will evolve or change - check back for updates
Follow our Google for Students +Page to get additional tips, resources, and other students interested in development.

Recommendations for Academic Learnings

Recommendations for Non-Academic Learnings

  • Work on project outside of the classroom.
    Notes: Create and maintain a website, build your own server, or build a robot.
    Online Resources: Apache List of ProjectsGoogle Summer of CodeGoogle Developer Group
  • Work on a small piece of a large system (codebase), read and understand existing code, track down documentation, and debug things.
    Notes: Github is a great way to read other people’s code or contribute to a project.
    Online Resources: GithubKiln
  • Work on project with other programmers.
    Notes: This will help you improve your ability to work well in a team and enable you to learn from others.
  • Practice your algorithmic knowledge and coding skills
    Notes: Practice your algorithmic knowledge through coding competitions like CodeJam or ACM’s International Collegiate Programming Contest.
    Online Resources: CodeJamACM ICPC
  • Become a Teaching Assistant
    Notes: Helping to teach other students will help enhance your knowledge in the subject matter.
  • Internship experience in software engineering
    Notes: Make sure you apply for internships well in advance of the period internships take place. In the US, internships take place during the summer, May-September, and applications are usually open several months in advance.
    Online Resources: google.com/jobs
출처: http://www.google.com/edu/tools-and-solutions/guide-for-technical-development/index.html Google in Education